martes, 5 de abril de 2016

The Space and the Solar System

One of the topics for this term is The Space and the Solar System. A fantastic way to learn the planet names and their characteristics is by singing and dancing this cool song:

We´re also using this rap song in class. We simply love it!

A to put a bit of order into the new vocabulary we're learning, we're making this wonderful Space Word Mat from Teacher's Pet:

Space word mat

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2016

You are what you eat

Related to the topic of our body and the five senses, is the topic of food. Using the moto "You are what you eat", we are working on how food can help you take care of your body.

This is a very simple video that helps us distinguish between healthy food and junk food:

And this other video gives some useful advice on healthy eating:

We're also having a look at the five food groups. In this link there are some games (My Plate Match Game) to learn how many servings you need from each group.

My plate match game snapshot

martes, 23 de febrero de 2016

Art Project - The Five Senses

This term we are going to carry out an Art Project based on the human body. All teachers are working on this project from different areas. In the English class, all students are working on the Five Senses.

We are using these fantastic Five Senses posters designed by Krazee 4 Kindergarten. You can download the whole set for free clicking here.

Five senses - hearing

Five senses - taste

Five senses - touch

This is a very basic video I've created for kindergarten and Year 1 and 2 groups. You can find it on Vimeo.

The Five Senses from Stef on Vimeo.

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016